Love your work with a Certified Lymphedema Therapist or Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist Certification Course
Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) Training
Complete MLD/CDT (Manual Lymph Drainage/ Complete Decongestive Therapy) training to certify one as a Lymphedema Therapist is recommended for anyone who wants to treat complex medical cases such as with oncology clients, clients who have had lymph nodes removed or radiated, or those with extensive vascular edema with skin deterioration/ulceration. This training is elemental to seeing improvement in patients with visible swelling disorders.
The certification class includes all digital workbooks, textbook, bandaging kits for upper and lower extremity, lab fees, certification exam, and 135 CEUs. Cost for full MLD/CDT certification is $3,195. Flexible monthly payment plans are available.
Currently, this course is offered in a Live, 9-day in-person format, as well as a Hybrid format. Please see our course calendar for dates.
One may choose to select only the MLD portion of this certification course, please see below for more details
Basic MLD Certification:
This will qualify practitioners to work extensively with conditions of the lymphatic system, excluding disorders where there is a direct lymphatic pathology, i.e. cancer treatment of the lymph nodes, lymph node removal, and types of edemas that require bandaging. This course is ideal for those who work inside or outside of a direct medical setting seeing lesser medically complex clients. The cost for this certification is $2,195.
With this certification, you will be able to safely treat: orthopedic edema, venous insufficiency edema stage 1, whole-body tissue detoxification, symptoms of lupus, arthritis, RA, osteoarthritis, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, aesthetics, cellulite, lymphatic facial detoxification, wrinkles, scarring, early stage lymphedema, swelling due to surgical procedures and trauma, and much more.
Currently, this course is offered in a Live, 5-day in-person format, as well as a Hybrid format. Please see our course calendar for dates.
Hybrid Format Information
The last two years have changed Monarch’s perspective on our course offerings. We are shifting from offering an exclusively hands-on, classroom-style learning approach, to an option of a new hybrid model of learning. Monarch has decided to offer two of our most sought-after courses (Integrative Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Certification course and Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) Certification course) in a hybrid format to facilitate getting more trained therapists in the field. We will continue to offer our fully live 5-day Integrative Manual Lymphatic Drainage course, as well as our 9-day, Certified Lymphedema Therapy courses in addition to offering our hybrid versions to suit the needs of all learner’s best learning styles and practitioner’s schedules. We feel this is important to offer both formats in an effort to not decrease patient access to care, especially in our rural communities.
What does our hybrid version look like?
For the Certified Lymphedema Therapy Course: Five (5) consecutive weekdays or six (6) weekend days of live online instruction paired with a four (4)- day intensive live lab/in-person skills testing component and case studies.
For the Integrative Manual Lymphatic Drainage Course: Three (3) consecutive weekdays or four (4) weekend days of live online instruction paired with a three (3)- day intensive live lab/in-person skills testing component.
What benefits does a hybrid version of these courses offer?
More time to absorb the information. It is no secret that our 5-day and 9-day live courses are intense and contain a LOT of content. The days are long and the learning is fast. With a hybrid course, it provides you more time to review and understand the concepts before applying more content to your learning. You won’t feel rushed to learn all of the information, and just that provides many students with the teaching style necessary to learn.
Fewer out-of-pocket expenses. Staying in a hotel or Airbnb and eating out 6+ days in a row is no small expense. We understand the financial burdens of attending our fully live courses. Our hybrid course offers fewer days off from work (giving you the flexibility to choose weekday or weekend instruction) and fewer days of travel. We know traveling can be expensive, and we understand the demands of your work schedule.
Our hybrid course is still LANA (Lymphology Association of North America) approved! LANA recently updated its eligibility requirements to allow a virtual component of CLT program instruction, whereas before the start of 2022, to be eligible to take the LANA exam, students were required to attend the full course live and in-person.
Options as to when and where you attend the live portion of the class. Feel you need more than a month after finishing the live virtual component of the class to attend the live portion? No problem. Our hybrid version is meant to provide you with flexibility.
What you won’t be missing going hybrid-
Peer interaction and your questions being answered. The virtual component of the course will be taught with a live instructor, and all students are expected to attend all portions of the live virtual content. You will still be able to work with peers in case studies and problem-solving via breakout sessions and still have your questions answered on the spot. We will all still be learning together, but just behind a computer screen for a few days.
Live demonstration of techniques. Your qualified instructor will provide demonstrations and resources for all of the hands-on techniques that you will be practicing during the intensive live/ in-person lab days.
Various teaching techniques. There are not many people who can sit in a chair and learn from someone talking for hours. Monarch will continue to incorporate various methods of learning, making sure to facilitate engagement in course material and foster a supportive and participatory classroom environment.
High-quality instruction and plenty of opportunities to practice your hands-on skills. We are confident that you will have more than enough time to practice your hands-on skills of MLD and bandaging to master competence with the live direction and support from your instructor. We have no intention of testing students who are not yet proficient in the skills. Our goal is and always will be to train clinicians to be well prepared to treat clients the day after completing the course. Students can come back to skills check-off at a later course date free of charge if we deem it necessary for them to practice their skills before they gain certification.