New Comprehensive Integrative Oncology Rehab Certification
Description of Learning Objectives:
Interpret the surgical procedure and previous or ongoing treatment of an oncology care patient and how it relates to progress in our rehab and bodywork protocols, special focus will be on types of oncological surgeries and types of reconstruction.
Obtain a working knowledge of cancer pathogenesis, tumor and disease identification.
Evaluate chemotherapy agents and their side effects and complications including chemo induced neuropathy, chemo brain, fatigue, myelosuppression
Establish treatment protocols including exercise based on ACSM guidelines with the ability of the patient to progress on their own long term; soft tissue work and other manual techniques to restore ROM, strength and thus function. Both aspects of rehab will lend to the patient feeling whole and indirectly aid in restoring mental and emotional health.
Gain the ability to properly utilize functional outcomes measures using ICF classifications, extensive assessment tools and appropriate G-codes, CPT codes and ICD-10 codes in documentation.
Discover patient education techniques related to self soft-tissue mobilization, exercise, chemotherapy side-effect compensation, and other needs of oncology care patients with significant lab time for K-taping, neural gliding, axillary web syndrome and more.
Relate the basic anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system to that of a patient in oncology care. Understand how lymphedema may impact their functional limitations and what to do to help them reach their full rehab potential.
Understand the gold standards in lymphatic/lymphedema care in a patient that has had lymph node removal or impairment, with significant lab time. Break out sessions specific to your goals.
Recognize the physical and psychosocial implications of cancers involving bowel, bladder, and reproductive organs, how this impacts their functional gains and how to best treat.
Round table discussion with current research on other related topics of interest submitted within 30 days of course.
Please email Carmen at for registration and hotel information. Please check your spam folder for receipt unless you have added this email as a contact.
When: August 19-21, 2016
Time: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Where: >Hampton Inn, Christiansburg, VA
CEs: 24
Price: $895 or online only option for $595
Thank you!